Choosing the right air leak tester depends on several factors based upon your application. The most influential factors are:

  • Acceptable leak rate: The “acceptable leak rate” is a critical parameter for selecting an appropriate air leak tester. It refers to the maximum rate at which a part can leak air and still meet operational standards. Determining this rate is essential as it influences the choice of both the leak testing method and the technology.
  • Test pressure and method: The pressure level used during the test, along with the selected leak testing method, are crucial factors in choosing the appropriate leak tester. These elements are determined based on the specific application and requirements of the part being tested.
  • Test piece characteristics: The shape and volume of your test part also play an important role in choosing the right leak tester. For instance, an EV lithium-ion battery pack is of large volume and requires specially designed leak testers that can conduct these tests within the shortest time period.
  • Test environment: The environment in which leak testing is conducted affects your test results. Our F610 equipped with a water-proof case is an excellent solution to withstand external influential factors.
  • Space: The availability of space in your testing facility or production line is another influential factor in choosing the right leak tester